Dawson Place at the Everett Farmers Market

Want to learn more about Dawson Place and help support other local organizations in your community? Come visit us at the Everett Farmers Market where you can learn more about what we do here at Dawson Place!
Help Your Child Succeed in School

Help Your Child Succeed in School

Supporting your child’s education can be one of the most difficult tasks parents face. From what feels like piles of homework to a lack of interest and understanding from students, it often becomes quite daunting and leaves many parents feeling discouraged. Our...
The “New” Safe Adults

The “New” Safe Adults

Since COVID-19 began, there has been a decrease in child abuse reports. Reports of child abuse dropped nearly 50% from February to April of 2020. While the reports are decreasing, child abuse is not. Children lack accessibility to safe adults and have no one to...
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