In observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month, child advocacy centers like Dawson Place are amplifying efforts to shed light on the profound impact of child abuse within our communities. Every child deserves a nurturing environment and a supportive community, as they represent the future we aspire to build together. On April 27th, 2024, Dawson Place is collaborating with over 20 organizations to showcase the collective work dedicated to fostering a safe environment for our communities.
Interested in learning more about our Super Kids Resource Fair? Click here!
Even seemingly small actions, such as liking or sharing our content on social media, play a crucial role in expanding the reach of our information and services. April 5th marks Wear Blue Day, a reminder to show solidarity and advocate for the prevention of child abuse, sparking important conversations in the process.
Read more about Wear Blue Day here!
Despite misconceptions, the sobering reality is that 90% of offenders are someone the child knows, loves, and trusts. It is the responsibility of adults to safeguard children and youth, ensuring their protection without burdening them with the responsibility.
Do you know what child grooming is? Refresh your mind on the topic here.
In our efforts to raise awareness, we encourage community members to display yard signs and pinwheels, symbols of support for child abuse prevention. The color blue serves as a national emblem for this cause, and we urge everyone to actively participate in reinforcing the essential services provided by their local child advocacy center.
Materials available for download.
In Snohomish County, Dawson Place has served on average over 1,000 children a year. Despite the high number of clients served, there still remain over 200 children who have yet to benefit from our services. This could be attributable to various factors, including reluctance to speak up, societal taboos, and lack of awareness among victims.
Together, let us bridge this gap and extend a helping hand to all children in need. As adults, it is our duty to protect and nurture future generations, ensuring they inherit a world free from harm and filled with opportunity. Join us in advocating the cause of child abuse prevention and creating a safer, brighter future for all.
Want to spark a conversation? Visit a local coffee shop that is hosting our coffee sleeves the week of April 22nd! Share on your socials!